S1e5 May — 07.06

Rachael Shah (Ball)
4 min readJun 7, 2019


May was a full on and exciting month. I struggled to have the headspace to make this happen weekly but love the format of self-reflection and sharing with others so keen to keep it going.

MBA — Module 1 of 8

In my last instalment I shared that I’d just started out with the welcome webinar.

I’ll be honest. It’s been tough. I’m really glad that the first topic is marketing — the area in business I’m most confident in ( apart from Project management) so the fact that the material isn’t completely alien has been a huge help.

Unlike when I did the Institute of Digital Marketing (IDM) the MBA includes more group work so trying to co-ordinate diaries with busy business professionals is tricky! The pace of work is also more intense with at least one weekly deadline of an individual task, group activity or assignment.

Its still early days and I’m starting to get into a routine. Reading first thing is my coping strategy to keep chipping away at the workload and not let it get to over-whelming.

I was really pleased to get positive feedback on our first group activity and the tutor commented on the quality of our referencing so that helped to reassure me the referencing is up to scratch at least.

The next challenge is my first assignment which is due in 4 weeks so sure my next instalment will be reflecting on that!

Attended remote conference

I also attended my first remote conference. Agile in the ether is a great 1 hour remote meet-up and Emily the organiser ran the first remote conference version. It was a great way to hear different voices and it was super inclusive.

For a far better summary than I could write have a read of Emily’s write up: https://emilywebber.co.uk/agile-in-the-ether-the-first-remote-conference/

Co-operate AGM announcement

I also had the opportunity to attend the Co-Op AGM which in-itself was a really great way to learn more about the movement. It was a really exciting movement to be there to hear Steve Murrells our Group CEO announce the launch of the product I’m working on.

If you’ve missed it here’s the blog explaining what Co-operate it is:


Team Co-operate at the AGM
Our product being launched at the AGM

Volunteering in the community

Co-operate is starting small with our first trial happening in Stretford. As part of our work with local community group Stretford in Bloom we took some time out of the office to give back to the community and helped plant and water the new planters near Chester road.

It was also eye opening to see the real challenges facing small grass-roots community groups. Even getting water meant trips with shopping trolleys to get buckets and bins filled up!

Using trolleys to gather water to water the plants

Team canvas workshop

This Tuesday was a real highlight as after about a weeks planning and prep I delivered and facilitated a team canvas workshop. The aim being to help bring the team together to get a better understanding of how we will all work together and create a set of values and rules that we’re all on-board with.

New reads

Radical candour. I got this for free from a Co-Op learning and development initiative to pass the book onto colleagues once you’ve read it. Its really making me think about how we can get so much more value out of our interactions with people if we all understood that being radically candid is about giving feedback because you care about the person’s development & performance.



I also saw the production ‘Dressed’ on at HOME and I was blown away at the beautifully crafted story and interpersonal relationships on the stage. The acting was captivating and moving! If you’ve never thought about getting a season ticket for the theatre its well worth it! I got one for Vikas for his bday and its been a great way to see things you wouldn’t have ordinarily booked onto.

So its been a busy month. I don’t intend for this to become a series of month notes, but even if it did its better to share and reflect that to never stop and remind yourself of all that you have achieved and enjoyed.



Rachael Shah (Ball)
Rachael Shah (Ball)

Written by Rachael Shah (Ball)

Digital & Sustainability leader 💚| prev @coopdigital |NED @PHMMcr | MMU MBA & Mrs Vikas to @MrVikas Views my own.

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