August month notes — nurturing sustainable changes

Rachael Shah (Ball)
5 min readAug 30, 2023


August saw my first visit to a large scale health laundry. It was eye opening to see what happens behind the scenes. Without a professional laundry service 90% of hospitals would be forced to close after 1 day. We forget how essential the supply of clean linen and scrubs are to the functioning of our healthcare system.

Trade show learnings

We’re going to be exhibiting at TradeShow in the coming months. It’s my first time organising all the event logistics. While I’m experienced with project management a trade-show is a different type of challenge. There’s so much more to consider around the on-site set-up e.g. electricity, wifi, furniture, lead generation and post show follow-ups. It really is like a combination of a product launch and a house move tied up into one beasty project.

If anyone in my network has any top exhibition tips let me know!


What’s app for Business

This month we added a What’s app for business chat widget to the site. I’ve been looking at different live chat solutions for a while — many of them are clunky and require dedicated agent software. What’s App for business has grown to nearly 200 million monthly active users. Its easy to see the shift from peer-peer comms to a B2B comms channel.

It’s also a free solution to offer a quick and easy way for customers to drop you a message. Often in our industry customers need linen replenishing quickly so we’re excited to see how this will improve our customers trading experience.

2024 marketing plan

It might only be the end of August but I’m already looking ahead to 2024! 2023 has been a year of learning and observing the market. As well as some trial and error on seeing which channels and comms resonate best with our audience. I’m looking forward to joining up the themes and opportunities to further communicate our customer proposition.

I’d love to know what marketing planning techniques folks recommend.


Oeko Tek 100

We’ve just launched a new range of retail bedding sets which are also Okeo Tex certified. When I first joined Swiscot I’d seen Oeko Tex labels on some garments but didn’t know anything about it.

Oeko Tex is a leading global textiles certification scheme. Ensuring transparency and standards within supply chains. There are a range of standards. Standard 100 is a globally recognised label which means the textiles have been tested for harmful substances.

Their verification process includes a unique certification code. This allows consumers to independently verify any claims made on packaging.

Carbon footprint of travel

After reading ‘how bad are bananas?’ carbon foot-printing book, I’m still astounded by the volume of emissions that are generated via travel. As we come to the end of our summer holidays its timely to consider the size of our annual holiday carbon footprint. With transport one of the largest contributors to our national carbon footprint. When you look at the role of transport in the context of tourism — travel accounts for nearly 50% of all emissions generated from your holiday.

We now try to limit long-haul travel to every 2 years. Then do UK holidays to reduce our emissions as well as benefit from no jet-lag or airport queues!

Source: Gov.UK 2022 Dept of Transport — citing BEIS

UK Innovation grant for sustainable fashion and textiles

Lastly there was some exciting news about UKRI funding research for a sustainable fashion and textiles industry. I’ve been attending a number of fashion textiles events this summer and learned a lot about the impact of garment manufacturing. A stark reminder in the release is that fashion uses more energy than both aviation and shipping combined!

There are also research teams looking at the future of sustainable materials for manufacturing.

Achievements and recommendations

Reading this month

  • I’ve been enjoying reverting back to learning more about Buddhism. The Art of Happiness is an interesting read . Its written by a psychiatrist who spent time interviewing the Dalai Lama. A key reminder is the powerful skill of compassion. As a way to live in the present and build empathy with ourselves and others.
  • I also read these powerful words by Nagela Dales about the experience of professional ‘love bombing’ in your career & hidden power dynamics. It resonated deeply with me and is the canary in the coal mine for DEI in leadership. Leaders who want to build truly inclusive workplaces need to ensure the environment and culture they create does not perpetuate inequitable structures.

Podcast this month

  • I’ve not actually listened to that many this month. Alan Titchmarshes Tomato growing tips have certainly helped to ripen up some green tomatoes!
  • Slightly biassed post but this month we’ve published 2 more Better In Tandem episodes! A great chat with Holly and Joel from Make Events on their experience of going from being colleagues to a couple. As well as the story of how the Hello Day stationary brand was built.

Running distance

  • 32km
  • I’ve trained over the 6.2km triathlon distance and been able to push up to 7.5km. I’m aiming to get to 8km in the 3 weeks to the race so I know I have some extra energy in the tank.
  • My cycling training has caught up as well with me completing a 19km bike ride.

Garden achievement

  • A final note is my garden achievement. I’ve grown some sweet peas this summer. I’ve been cutting the stems and they made-up a very sweet desk bouquet of flowers.
  • It’s a very satisfying feeling sitting and looking at something you’ve grown. When you face a challenge at work its a good reminder that all the best things take time to grow.
Desk flowers & a picture of Vikas add a nice reminder about how work supports your life ❤



Rachael Shah (Ball)
Rachael Shah (Ball)

Written by Rachael Shah (Ball)

Digital & Sustainability leader 💚| prev @coopdigital |NED @PHMMcr | MMU MBA & Mrs Vikas to @MrVikas Views my own.

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